Mini update: Shop! Saves! More spaghetti!

Some changes here and there: gave right values for z indexes in some nodes; added a little indicator for yellow rockets so it's easy to see whic one will explode; you can now restart game by clicking space button instead of using your mouse; slowed a bit front parallax layer to make it look a bit better. Additionally yellow rockets have been changed: more yellow, new explode animation. Red rocket also got more explodey.

For saving scores I watched this video: [YT] RH GameDev - How to save and load data from a file in Godot!. This video was quite short and close to the point. Data saving system was implemented without any problem.

Finally shop has been added. For now there will be only RGB animation for the rocket. Set 1.000 points for it to unlock. I think 1k is pretty easy to earn if you know how to dodge enemies and score more than 40 points each game. And I should also implement difficulty increase feature, so it would be a bit difficult to play after some time. And I think there should be some kind of trail. Maybe.

Also when I was doing shop I though about shaders for the text, but was saved when found information about BB code in richtext. Ha-ha!

What about implementing spawn indicators I watched this vid: [YT] Game Endeavor - How to Show Off-Screen Warnings in Godot 3.1. Nothing hard to understand, was also implemented with ease. With theese indicators game feels much easier. Maybe I should somehow make game much harder...

When I launched the game I had black screen. My save system caused this because I changed it in the process and it caused my game to give errors. The solution was to delete a save file (clear cookies in browser).

Closer and closer I'm getting to android release. Hope everything will be good! And after that I think I'll stop developing this project. Quite a lot ideas i have now and want to try to make metroidvania game.

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